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Medebound HEALTH被《福布斯》在推动健康科技未来的顶级女性领导的初创企业中提名

It is recognized for its efforts to assist global patients in having more accessibility to top

medical experts and advanced treatments after encountering critical conditions.

NEW YORK, Dec 2021: Forbes has elected telemedicine services provider Medebound

HEALTH among the top 52 women-led start-ups driving the future of healthtech and

femtech. The list was compiled by Allyson Kapin, the founder of Women Who Tech and

an expert contributor on women entrepreneurs and start-up culture.

The company specializes in providing second-opinions to patients around the globe that

are facing frustrating or critical conditions. It works with a highly vetted list of the top 1%

US physicians. This eliminates the need for travel and increases accessibility for

patients that would otherwise be unable to afford travel costs. The solution also ensures

patients access a second opinion quicker than before.

In regards to the company's service, Mr. Castle, a Trustee Board member at New

York-Presbyterian Hospital stated - "If you're suffering from a life-threatening disease

and you're able to get a second opinion, it will in many cases result in substantially

better outcomes for patients."

The company reports that its second opinion services improve treatment plans for 75%

of consultations. For 22%, it leads to a completely different diagnosis, while for 25% it

results in physicians suggesting no need for surgery or a better, less invasive


Since its inception, Medebound HEALTH has contracted with many of the world's

largest insurance companies. It has grown its list of members to over two million lives.

The service can be accessed via text, call, or video consultation. At the same time, a

company-developed HIPAA-compliant telemedicine platform enables seamless data

transfer between patients worldwide and US physicians. The process is simple, and

patients can get video consultations within a week.

At the company's core beliefs is the message "no one should have to battle serious

disease without access to the best possible care." Its customer-centric approach has

also resulted in a 95% member satisfaction rating.

Forbes compiles lists on various topics every year. These are typically researched and ranked by an industry professional vetted for excellence and sector knowledge. CEO and Co-founder Sheena Liu has a track record of excellence in the medical field, being an M.D and gaining a Ph.D. in Biomedical Informatics at Columbia University. Other prior career achievements include Team Lead at Royal Philips, director of Informatics at pharma giant Boehringer Ingelheim, and management of a high-profile informatics program in collaboration with over 100 top US hospitals.

About Medebound HEALTH: Medebound HEALTH ( is a global tele-health company with the focus on connecting overseas patients/physicians with US doctors and advanced treatment methods. This is achieved by creating a proprietary bi-lingual HIPAA-compliant tele-health platform, which facilitates secure medical imaging/records translation, transferring and tele-consultations; and by a robust supply chain for advanced medicine. With this highly differentiated physician network and bilingual IT platform and a strong execution team, Medebound has gained significant market traction with customers including major hospital centers and insurers in Asia. Through Medebound HEALTH's cross-border teleconsultation platform, cancer patients in the eastern world can consult US-based cancer specialists with a few clicks, and patients can also easily access advanced medicines via our pharmaceutical logistics system.






我們知道頂尖的醫生是稀缺資源也是患者治癒的希望。我們的諮詢醫生是世界一流的專家,譬如獲得了著名的Castle Connolly頂級醫生獎項,涵蓋了代表美國前1%頂級醫生。他們覆蓋70多個醫學學科專業,遍佈在美國著名醫院。


Medebound HEALTH將案例發送給美國名列前茅的醫療機構其中的頂尖醫生。這些醫生在教學醫院任教,引領前沿研究,開創新的外科和治療技術。他們在美國一流院校中受訓和供職,例如約翰·霍普金斯醫院,波士頓兒童醫院和特种外科醫院。

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